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Hangar Floor Coatings

The proven durability and easy maintenance of epoxy floors makes them the premier option for aircraft hangar flooring. Their sleek and modern look lends itself perfectly to the streamlined aesthetic of aeronautical design, while at the same time offering superior functionality and usability.

With the non-porous surface that epoxy floors provide, mechanics and aviators won’t have to worry about plane fuel, oil, and other chemicals spilling or leaking on the floor. Simply wiping these chemicals up can easily restore your hangar’s stunning look. Plus, the crack, chip, and scratch-resistant nature of epoxy floors makes them ideal for hangars that are used to work on planes using heavy machinery.

With the non-porous surface that epoxy floors provide, mechanics and aviators won’t have to worry about plane fuel, oil, and other chemicals spilling or leaking on the floor. Simply wiping these chemicals up can easily restore your hangar’s stunning look. Plus, the crack, chip, and scratch-resistant nature of epoxy floors makes them ideal for hangars that are used to work on planes using heavy machinery.